Sunday, July 09, 2006

the real truth

im actually not in georgia at all anymore. it just took me a few days to get that last post up. so really it was misleading. since then we have played two totally kick ass fuckin shows. the show in charleston was at this place called the village tavern which when we arrived was full of drunk 30 somethings. as the night progressed they cleared out and the room filled up with scores of 15 year olds. our fans are so young its just insane! but im not complaining. there was 80 people through the door but it was a small place so it felt pretty packed. eric-john our merch man also got a 30 something bimbo to buy a shirt cause she was so drunk. nothing like taking advantage of the wasted.

that night we didnt end up getting to sleep until 4 cause kids were partying where we were staying. this was a bit of a bummer because we had a super long drive the next day all the way to tampa florida. all in all it took us a bit over 9 hours, having got up at 9 and left at 10 (after a delicious breakfast at this totally sweet co-op type bagel place in downtown charleston.) the show in tampa was also totally kick ass. it was held in the warehouse own by a skatepark.. totally community run style, no bouncers or bullshit. plus there was a wicked skate park which i found enjoyable, cause kids were doing crazy tricks. also, hamilton and mookie each got a pair of shoes from the skateshop at discount rate! this was the first show we played where kids start moshing and rocking out like crazy. they were all about getting crazy in fact and i found the show incredibly enjoyable to play. 97 people were through the door, by far our biggest crowd yet on the tour. after the show we drove to orlando with yip yip who we played the show with. we are playing with them again tonight in orlando. and thats the update! im sitting on a lawn in winter park florida suburbs right now stealing someone's wireless. fuck yeah.


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